Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Las Vegas, NV 89032
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Las Vegas NV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha & Omega Apostolic Church | 702-648-2111 | 2610 N Martin L King Blvd | North Las Vegas | NV | 89032 |
Church of Christ | 702-648-8283 | 2626 N Martin L King Blvd | North Las Vegas | NV | 89032 |
Greater Faith Baptist Church | 702-647-4110 | 2736 Chamberlain Ln | North Las Vegas | NV | 89032 |
Holy Ghost Temple Apostolic Churc | 702-646-0805 | 2624 Clayton St | North Las Vegas | NV | 89032 |
House of Deliverance Minstering Tem | 702-631-7300 | 3345 W Craig Rd | North Las Vegas | NV | 89032 |
Living Hope Baptist Church | 702-362-4673 | 3105 Coleman St | North Las Vegas | NV | 89032 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 702-646-9075 | 2600 Clayton St | North Las Vegas | NV | 89032 |
Thai Buddhist Temple of Las Vegas | 702-648-9975 | 2959 W Gowan Rd | North Las Vegas | NV | 89032 |
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