Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sparks, NV 89431
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sparks NV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Ame Church | 775-355-9030 | 2655 Rock Blvd | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Catholic Churches | 775-358-5977 | 590 Pyramid Way | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Church of Christ at Queen Way | 775-358-0479 | 475 Queen Way | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 775-358-1652 | 1114 Prater Way | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 775-358-7869 | 2955 Rock Blvd | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Church of Jesus Christ Spirit Filled | 775-358-2842 | 2277 Oddie Blvd | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Emmanuel First Baptist Church | 775-358-7259 | 1100 12th St | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
First Christian Church of Sparks | 775-358-0507 | 445 Queen Way | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Iglaesia Ni Cristo | 775-358-9699 | 651 Field St | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Impact Bible School | 775-359-5050 | 831 E Glendale Ave | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
New Jerusalem Baptist Church | 775-331-0330 | 1315 Prater Way | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Nugget John Ascuaga's | 775-356-3300 | 1100 Nugget Ave | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Our Savior Lutheran Church | 775-358-0743 | 1900 1st St | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Soul's Harbor Apostolic Church | 775-358-5116 | 450 E Queen Way | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Sparks Christian Fellowship | 775-331-2303 | 510 Greenbrae Dr | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
The Rock A Connecting Christian Commu | 775-355-7888 | 2351 Pyramid Way Ste 19 | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
University Family Fellowship | 775-359-2222 | 1125 Stanford Way | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
Warehouse Christian Ministries | 775-355-7788 | 1509 Greg St | Sparks | NV | 89431 |
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