Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Albany, NY 12203
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Albany NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ainsworth Sullivan Tracy Knauf War | 518-464-0600 | 320 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Allen Johnson & Lonergan Llp | 518-459-1600 | 2 Tower Pl | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Arcus Goldstein & Munnelly | 518-489-1098 | 4 Tower Pl | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Arroyo Copland & Associates Pllc | 518-464-6000 | 219 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Bailey John W & Associates | 518-456-0082 | 2 Washington Avenue Ex | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Baker Bonnie | 518-436-0344 | 8 Thurlow Ter | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Baldwin Aaron M Atty | 518-465-3553 | 6 Tower Pl | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Barone Michael S Atty | 518-489-8596 | 798 Lancaster St | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Bianchi Maria Lawyer | 518-482-5114 | Executive Park Twr | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Boden Martha L Atty | 518-452-5600 | 5 Columbia Cir | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Bosman Robert A Atty | 518-452-3004 | 1 Executive Centre Dr | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Brickman David | 518-464-6464 | 1664 Western Ave | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Brousseau Shawn F | 518-862-9292 | 296 Washington Avenue Ex | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Burke Scolamiero Mortati & Hurd | 518-862-1386 | 302 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Case Forrest N Jr Atty | 518-465-3484 | 20 Corporate Cir | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Clark Linda J Atty | 518-462-3000 | 9 Thurlow Ter | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Cohen Jeffrey M | 518-436-5409 | 7 Thurlow Ter | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Croak Richard | 518-690-4410 | 314 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Davis James C III Atty | 518-456-6456 | 210 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Defio Elena M R | 518-464-1300 | 13 Columbia Cir Ste 3 | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Farina Julie Atty | 518-456-7200 | Columbia Cir | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Feeney Centi & Mackey Attys | 518-452-3710 | 116 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Ganz Robert E Atty | 518-869-9500 | 1 Columbia Cir Ste 7 | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Gardner Carton & Douglas | 518-452-8787 | 321 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Grenz Eugene Z Atty | 518-464-1700 | 104 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Kehoe Martin J III | 518-270-8000 | 2009 Western Ave | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Kelleher John J Esq | 518-464-4400 | 113 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Kessler Michael W Atty | 518-464-0444 | 110 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Meyers & Meyers | 518-464-9075 | 1734 Western Ave | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Muia Joseph Jr Atty | 518-464-2626 | 111 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Murphy Joseph T Atty | 518-459-6450 | 1058 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Pollock Law Firm | 518-434-6111 | PO Box 3585 | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Ruffo Tabora Mainello and McKay | 518-218-2088 | 311 Great Oaks Blvd | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Sheehan Deborah H Attorney | 518-456-5644 | 20 W Meadow Dr | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Taylor Matalavage & Fallon | 518-452-0802 | 5 Columbia Cir Ste 2 | Albany | NY | 12203 |
The Randall Law Firm | 518-869-1205 | 1777 Western Ave | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Thomas Margot Lucy Atty | 518-456-3415 | 100 Trillium Ln | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Tobin & Grifferty Pc | 518-452-2552 | 1 Executive Centre Dr Ste 204 | Albany | NY | 12203 |
Zwiebel Brody Gold & Fairbanks | 518-869-6700 | 1809 Western Ave | Albany | NY | 12203 |
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