Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Albany, NY 12206
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Albany NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blessed Hope Worship Center | 518-462-4101 | 153 Central Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
Capital Region Prayer and Healing Cen | 518-432-7100 | 553 Clinton Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
Church of Christ | 518-482-0547 | 30 Russell Rd | Albany | NY | 12206 |
First Unitarian Universalist So | 518-463-7135 | 405 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
Mt Pleasant Bapt Church | 518-463-2505 | 441 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
Muhammads Mosque Inc | 518-432-1544 | 360 Clinton Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
New Life Church of Christ of the A | 518-432-5800 | 419 Clinton Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
Sojourner Truth A M E Zion Church | 518-436-8201 | 351 Livingston Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 518-465-7545 | 160 Central Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
St Patrick's Church | 518-465-8395 | 283 Central Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
Unity Church in Albany | 518-453-3603 | 21 King Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
Victory Christian Church | 518-434-6100 | 118 Quail St | Albany | NY | 12206 |
West End Presbyterian Church | 518-438-7493 | 585 Central Ave | Albany | NY | 12206 |
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