Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Albany, NY 12207
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Albany NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aclaimh | 518-427-2994 | 99 Pine St | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Alliance for Quality Education | 518-432-5315 | 23 Elk St | Albany | NY | 12207 |
American Legion Dept of Ny | 518-463-2215 | 112 State St Rm 400 | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Association of Public Broadcaststtns | 518-462-1590 | 33 Elk St | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Cable Television Assn of New York Inc | 518-463-6676 | 80 State St Ste 10 | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Community Health Care Association of | 518-434-0767 | 150 State St | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Cornell Cooperative Extension | 518-426-3316 | 90 State St Ste 600 | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Independent Bankers Assn of New Yor | 518-436-4646 | 125 State St | Albany | NY | 12207 |
League of Women Voters Ny | 518-465-4162 | 35 Maiden Ln | Albany | NY | 12207 |
New York Civil Liberties Union | 518-436-8594 | 90 State St Ste 518 | Albany | NY | 12207 |
New York State Assn of Counties | 518-465-1473 | 111 Pine St | Albany | NY | 12207 |
New York State Assn of School Business | 518-434-2281 | 7 Elk St | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Nys Coalition for the Homeless | 518-436-5612 | 25 Elk St | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers | 518-449-5370 | 12 Sheridan Ave | Albany | NY | 12207 |
Schuyler Center for Analysis and Ad | 518-463-1896 | 150 State St Ste 4 | Albany | NY | 12207 |
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