Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Latham, NY 12110
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Latham NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
C S E A Albany Regional Ofc | 518-785-4400 | 39 Wade Rd | Latham | NY | 12110 |
Elec-Con Agency | 518-785-3676 | 16 Wade Rd | Latham | NY | 12110 |
Fiscal Policy Institute Corp | 518-786-3156 | 1 Lear Jet Ln | Latham | NY | 12110 |
Gideons International Albany Camp | 518-783-3313 | 2 Arnold Ave | Latham | NY | 12110 |
Gilda's Club Capital Region Ny | 518-782-9833 | 8 Wade Rd N | Latham | NY | 12110 |
Home Base Tbi Day Program | 518-783-7496 | 7 Avis Dr | Latham | NY | 12110 |
New York State Association of | 518-783-1134 | 17 Overlook Ave | Latham | NY | 12110 |
New York State Nurses Association | 518-782-9400 | 11 Cornell Rd | Latham | NY | 12110 |
Regional Food Bank | 518-786-3691 | 965 Albany Shaker Rd | Latham | NY | 12110 |
Salvation Army The | 518-783-7120 | 350 Troy Schenectady Rd | Latham | NY | 12110 |
Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood | 518-785-1146 | RR 155 | Latham | NY | 12110 |
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