Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Albany, NY 12205
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Albany NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Absolute Physical Therapy Pc Svet | 518-783-0286 | 455 New Karner Rd | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Adirondack Advantage Driving School | 518-785-8277 | 66 Everett Rd | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Adirondack Advantage Driving School | 518-459-1851 | 68 Everett Rd | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Aerial Dimensions | 518-869-9405 | Albany International | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Barbizon Modeling Management of A | 518-456-6713 | 1991 Central Ave Ste 3 | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Center for Natural Wellness | 518-489-4026 | 3 Cerone Commercial Dr | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Christ the King School | 518-456-5400 | Sumpter | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Christian Brothers Academy | 518-452-9809 | 12 Airline Dr | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Colonie Christian Academy | 518-435-9086 | 1312 Central Ave | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Early Childhood Education Cente | 518-456-4466 | 251 Washington Avenue Ex | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Forts Ferry Elementary School | 518-785-9203 | 95 Forts Ferry Rd | Albany | NY | 12205 |
H & R Block | 518-456-1566 | 1770 Central Ave Ste 14 | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Hebrew Academy of the Capital Dist | 518-482-0464 | 54 Sand Creek Rd | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Itt Technical Institute | 518-452-9300 | 13 Airline Dr | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Roessleville School | 518-459-2157 | 100 California Ave | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Sand Creek Middle School | 518-459-1333 | 329 Sand Creek Rd | Albany | NY | 12205 |
South Colonie Central Schools | 518-869-6784 | Central Ave | Albany | NY | 12205 |
South Colonie Central Schools | 518-869-3006 | 100 Forest Dr | Albany | NY | 12205 |
South Colonie Central Schools | 518-456-2608 | 100 Loralee Dr | Albany | NY | 12205 |
South Colonie Central Schools | 518-869-3576 | 102 Loralee Dr | Albany | NY | 12205 |
South Colonie Central Schools | 518-459-1220 | 1 Raider Blvd | Albany | NY | 12205 |
South Colonie Central Schools | 518-869-4661 | 25 Veeder Dr | Albany | NY | 12205 |
South Colonie Central Schools | 518-456-2306 | 68 Waterman Ave | Albany | NY | 12205 |
South Colonie Central Schools | 518-869-8527 | 2 Winston Pl | Albany | NY | 12205 |
Teacher Placement Services | 518-489-8876 | 125 Wolf Rd Ste 116 | Albany | NY | 12205 |
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