Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Albany, NY 12210
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Albany NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bleecker Cafe | 518-463-9382 | 32 Dove St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Bombers Burrito Bar | 518-463-9636 | 258 Lark St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Bongiorno's Restaurant | 518-462-9176 | 23 Dove St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Caribbean American Food Supply | 518-433-1343 | 185 Henry Johnson Blvd | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Clayton's Caribbean American and Sp | 518-426-4360 | 244 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Corner Food Court | 518-463-8811 | 202 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Dejohn's Restaurant & Pub | 518-465-5275 | 288 Lark St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
El Loco Mexican Cafe | 518-436-1855 | 465 Madison Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant | 518-465-2568 | 144 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant II I | 518-432-7580 | 289 Hamilton St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Elda's on Lark | 518-449-3532 | 207 Lark St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Gandhi Indian Restaurant Inc | 518-449-5577 | 1 Central Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Hamilton Street Cafe | 518-463-2233 | 317 Hamilton St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Hot Dog Heaven | 518-465-3837 | 216 Lark St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Iron Gate Cafe | 518-445-3555 | 182 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Justin's | 518-436-7008 | 301 Lark St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Kenneth's Tastebud | 518-463-1824 | 177 Henry Johnson Blvd | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Lark Tavern | 518-463-9779 | 453 Madison Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Mamoun's Falafel | 518-434-3901 | 206 Washington Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
McGuire's Restaurant | 518-463-2100 | 353 State St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Palais Royal Restrnt | 518-465-9052 | 164 Jefferson St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Ramona's | 518-449-2012 | 290 Lark St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Shahnee's Caribbean Bakery & Restrn | 518-462-3457 | 125 Lark St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Shalimar Restaurant of Albany Inc | 518-434-0890 | 35 Central Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Sukhothai | 518-463-0223 | 254 Lark St | Albany | NY | 12210 |
Tandoor Palace | 518-463-4123 | 423 Madison Ave | Albany | NY | 12210 |
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