Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Bronx, NY 10463
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Bronx NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
233 St Realty Co | 718-543-5577 | 170 W 233rd St | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
236 Cannon Realty Llc | 718-884-9114 | 3605 Sedgwick Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
2400 Johnson Av Owners Inc | 718-584-8700 | 2400 Johnson Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
2550 Independence Av Corp | 718-601-1941 | 2550 Independence Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
3720 Homes Inc | 718-601-1882 | 3720 Independence Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
75 W 238 Tenants Corp | 718-884-3723 | 75 W 238th St | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Bailey Realty Enterprises Cor | 718-601-2800 | 3100 Bailey Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Barcaly Mangement Inc | 718-543-5100 | 3570 Netherland Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Berliner Melvin | 718-796-7777 | 3050 Fairfield Ave Apt 4K | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Clorane Realty Corp | 718-543-5799 | 3615 Greystone Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Eldridge Properties of N Y Inc | 718-796-7550 | 505 W 236th St | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Exclusive Realty & Brokerage | 718-543-6801 | 257 W Kingsbridge Rd | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
F & J Macombs Realty Corp | 718-581-2738 | 222 W 233rd St | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Giles Properties Owners Corp | 718-549-0219 | 3311 Giles Pl | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Hesper Realty | 718-432-3049 | 180 Van Cortlandt Park S | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Kingsbridge Management Corp | 718-543-0542 | 3000 Kingsbridge Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Kinsbridge Arms Inc | 718-796-1677 | 2865 Kingsbridge Ter | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Nor Wax Assocs Inc | 718-548-5567 | 3215 Netherland Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Oxford Realty Group | 718-601-1989 | 3201 Oxford Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Promenade Apts | 718-562-5320 | 150 W 225th St Ofc | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Ramsar Mgmt Inc | 718-548-4600 | 3025 Godwin Ter Apt 3F | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Robert E Hill Inc | 718-884-2200 | 279 W 231st St | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Trebach Realty Inc | 718-543-7174 | 3801 Greystone Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
Weinreb Managmnt | 718-884-1700 | 3660 Oxford Ave | Bronx | NY | 10463 |
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