Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Johnson City, NY 13790
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Johnson City NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abdelazim M I Pc | 607-729-5285 | 700 Harry L Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Abdo M John MD | 607-763-8102 | 30 Harrison St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Addo Samuel Boi MD PhD | 607-729-9327 | 269 Riverside Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Agneshwar Dhruv MD | 607-729-2121 | 41 Arch St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Ahmed Syed MD | 607-729-8833 | 601 Riverside Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Allergy Analysis & Treatment Cente | 607-798-7811 | 260 Riverside Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Anderson Leonard MD | 607-763-8100 | 30 Harrison St Ste 455 | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Audiology-Uhs Hospitals | 607-763-6554 | Harrison | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Bajwa Saeed A MD | 607-729-4942 | 46 Harrison St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Battla Nasreen N Faap | 607-777-9475 | 101 Main St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Bhard-Waj Gauri K | 607-770-0004 | 699 Main St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Bhatt Kaje S MD Pc | 607-797-7678 | 19 Baldwin St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Blood Disorders Center United Health S | 607-763-6436 | 33-57 Harrison St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Bogart Jeffrey A | 607-763-8181 | 22 Harrison St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Broome Gastroenterology Associates Pc | 607-729-1444 | 240 Riverside Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Cardiology Associates | 607-770-8600 | 30 Harrison St Ste 250 | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Center for Community Health Uhs Hosp | 607-763-6060 | Wilson Memorial Regi | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Chatterton J Roger MD | 607-770-1988 | 639 Main St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Coddington Arthur M Dr | 607-797-0603 | 394 Main St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Crosby James MD | 607-763-6075 | 40 Arch St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Dr Elizabeth Weber Levi Dpm Fac Faom | 607-797-7121 | 700 Harry L Dr Ste 240 | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Dr Sukanya S Prasad | 607-729-5805 | 180 Harry L Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Garber Aaron MD | 607-797-2917 | 153 Oakdale Rd | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Goldenberg Steven Od | 607-729-5016 | 48 Harrison St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Ho Charles A MD | 607-729-3729 | 27 Jennison Ave | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
King Jeffrey M MD | 607-770-9050 | 15 Riverside Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Lourdes Hospital | 607-584-4112 | 441 Riverside Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Mangouri Ghassem MD | 607-798-0706 | 355 Riverside Dr | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Miller Lawrence S MD Pc | 607-729-8384 | 240 Riverside Dr Ste 7 | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Rivera Hiram MD | 607-763-8008 | 30 Harrison St Ste 355 | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Sienkiewicz Gene MD Pc | 607-797-2013 | 507 Main St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Trusso Anthony MD | 607-798-7200 | 44 Broad St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
United Health Services | 607-770-0025 | 228 Grand Ave | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
United Health Services | 607-763-8101 | 30 Harrison St Ste 400 | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Wasylyshyn Marina MD | 607-770-4071 | 30 Harrison St Ste 260 | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
Women's Health Center United Health S | 607-763-6101 | 57 N Harrison St | Johnson City | NY | 13790 |
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