Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Auburn, NY 13021
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Auburn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Boehler W C Flrst | 315-252-7231 | 140 Dunning Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Calvary Chapel of Auburn | 315-253-5993 | 2090 Crane Brook Dr | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Calvary Presby Church | 315-252-7772 | 90 Franklin St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Camerons Bakery | 315-253-6934 | 169 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Cavanaugh John F Photgr | 315-253-9242 | 78 South St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Church of Christ in Christian Union | 315-252-1589 | 25 Lexington Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Economy Print Shop | 315-253-2000 | 24 Beach Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
First Love Ministries Food Pantry | 315-253-3437 | 133 Wall St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
First Presbyterian Church | 315-252-3861 | 112 South St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Flowers by Cosentino | 315-253-4451 | 141 Dunning Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Holiday Inn | 315-253-4531 | 75 North St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Second Baptist Church | 315-253-4455 | 1 N Herman Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Sound Playground Dj Service | 315-255-2636 | 134 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
St Luke's United Church of Christ | 315-252-4234 | 25 Seminary Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Throopsville Community Church | 315-253-7850 | 2026 Turnpike Rd | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 315-252-2135 | 138 E Genesee St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Upstate Party Rental | 315-252-6137 | 17 James St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 315-253-3331 | 17 William St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
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