Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Auburn, NY 13021
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Auburn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ann's Family Restaurant | 315-253-8097 | 99 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 315-258-8398 | 221 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Arby's | 315-255-9056 | 193 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Auburn Diner | 315-253-7375 | 64 Columbus St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Balloons Restaurant & Catering | 315-252-9761 | 65 Washington St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Blimpie | 315-253-9118 | 68 North St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Burger King Restrnt | 315-253-5975 | 225 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Costello's Restrnt | 315-252-9778 | 13 Aurelius Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Curley's Restrnt | 315-252-5224 | 96 State St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Denny's Restaurant | 315-255-1666 | 176 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Dilaj's | 315-252-4444 | N Street Rd | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Dollar General | 315-255-1827 | 337 Genesee St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Downtown Deli | 315-255-1919 | 119 Genesee St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Dunkin' Donuts | 315-253-0052 | 149 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Elderberry Pond Restaurant | 315-252-6025 | 3712 Center Street Rd | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Hot Dog Hut | 315-252-3211 | 308 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Hunter's Dinerant | 315-255-2282 | 18 Genesee St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Jreck Subs | 315-252-0209 | 215 Genesee | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Jreck Subs | 315-252-8204 | 259 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 315-252-7723 | 276 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Lasca's | 315-253-4885 | 252 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Mc Donald's Family Restaurants | 315-252-7061 | 198 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
McDonald's Family Restaurant | 315-252-4000 | 357 Genesee St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Michael's Restrnt | 315-252-6194 | 196 Clark St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
New Shanghai | 315-253-8885 | 72 State St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Parkers' Grille & Tap House | 315-252-6884 | 129 E Genesee St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Pavlos' Restaurant | 315-255-9253 | 6 York St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Smokey's | 315-253-2548 | 288 Genesee St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Snapper's Sports Tavern | 315-252-9915 | 107 N Division St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Spirits Tavern & Cafe | 315-252-9702 | 20 State St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Spring Garden | 315-258-7178 | 68 Owasco St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 315-253-4507 | 78 North St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Sunset Restrnt | 315-252-9765 | 93 N Division St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Swifty's Restrnt | 315-252-6309 | 45 Perrine St | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
Taco Bell | 315-255-2525 | 168 Grant Ave | Auburn | NY | 13021 |
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