Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Horseheads, NY 14845
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Horseheads NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's | 607-796-2198 | | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Beef's | 607-739-0100 | 203 W Franklin St | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Burger King Restaurants | 607-739-1343 | 2143 Grand Central Ave | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Central Hots | 607-734-1445 | 3139 Lake Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Denny's Restaurant | 607-795-4135 | 950 Chemung St | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Friendly's Ice Cream | 607-739-9800 | Horseheads Jct | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Hanover's Grille | 607-795-1494 | 102 S Main St | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Harnas' Readi-Mart | 607-796-2860 | 435 Sing Sing Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Hickory House Restaurant | 607-739-2405 | 3543 Watkins Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Hilton Garden Inn | 607-795-1111 | 35 Arnot Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Holiday Inn Horseheads | 607-739-3681 | 2666 Corning Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Mc Donald's Family Restaurants | 607-739-5548 | 609 Chemung St | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Outback Steakhouse | 607-795-1224 | 200 Colonial Dr | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Poppy's Place | 607-795-4222 | 108 S Main St | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 607-796-5434 | 3328 Chambers Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Rosar Grill | 607-739-2390 | 114 John St | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Simon's | 607-796-5888 | 2 Hanover Sq | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Subway of Horseheads | 607-739-6101 | 580 Westinghouse Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 607-796-2813 | 3301 Chambers Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Sugar & Spice Restaurant | 607-739-5303 | 300 Watkins Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Sullivan's Diner | 607-796-9950 | 59 Old Ithaca Rd | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers of N | 607-796-9352 | 2123 Grand Central Ave | Horseheads | NY | 14845 |
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