Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Poughkeepsie NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
96 Main Restaurant & Bar | 845-454-5200 | 96 Main St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Absolute Pizza Ron & Gio's | 845-473-3100 | RR 55 | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Aldo's Little Italy Pizzeria & Rest | 845-485-6771 | 133 Parker Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Aloy's Italian Restaurant | 845-473-8400 | 157 Garden St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Best Western Inn & Conference Cent | 845-462-4600 | 2170 South Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Brother's Pizza | 845-486-1246 | 281 Main St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Busy Bee Cafe | 845-452-6800 | 138 South Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Caffe Aurora Pasticceria | 845-454-1900 | 145 Mill St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Cappucino by Coppola's | 845-462-4545 | 568 South Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Capt'n Cliffy's River Station | 845-452-9207 | 1 N Water St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Chef's Table Caterers | 845-437-7154 | 61 Raymond Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Cosimo's Trattoria & Bar | 845-485-7172 | 120 Delafield St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Crew Restaurant Bar | 845-462-5900 | 2290 So Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Dough Boy's Pizza Wings & Ale House | 845-454-4200 | 51 Fairview Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Dutch Treat Cafe | 845-454-0223 | 230 North Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Emiliano's Pizza | 845-473-1414 | 111 Main St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Gino's Pizza & Restaurant | 845-454-2525 | 706 Main St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Grand Hotel & Conference Cent | 845-485-5300 | 40 Civic Center Plz | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Hunan Garden | 845-454-1140 | 294 Main St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Maria Pizzeria | 845-483-7483 | 37 N Clinton St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Milanese Italian Restaurant | 845-471-9533 | 115 Main St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
O'sho Japanese Steak House | 845-297-0540 | 763 South Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Origin Communications | 845-471-4100 | 276 Main St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
The Mill House Panda | 845-454-2530 | 289 Mill St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Wardie's Deli | 845-452-4901 | 412 Violet Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
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