Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Poughkeepsie NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adelphi University School of Socia | 845-471-3348 | 20 Maple St Ofc | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Alumnae House | 845-437-7000 | 124 Raymond Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Area Schools | 845-486-4499 | 221 Violet Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Arlington Bar | 845-486-4480 | 5 Dutchess Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Arlington Bar | 845-486-4470 | Green Meadow Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Arlington Bar | 845-486-4950 | Old Noxon Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Arlington Public Schools | 845-486-4960 | Raymond Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Boces Board of Cooperative Edu | 845-486-4800 | 578 Salt Point Tpke | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Brookhaven | 845-452-7155 | 5 Brookside Ave | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Dutchess Community College | 845-431-8000 | 53 Pendell Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
E T I | 845-473-9665 | 372 Main St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
H & R Block | 845-454-1172 | Post Road Plz | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Konsul School of Developmental L | 845-452-4442 | 10 Morton St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
L & S Computer Tutors Inc | 845-473-6544 | 201 South Ave Ste 202 | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Our Lady of Lourdes | 845-463-0400 | High School Boardman | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Our Lady of Lourdes | 845-471-4077 | 40 S Hamilton St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Roman Catholic | 845-471-2460 | 15 Mount Carmel Pl | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Poughkeepsie City School District | 845-451-4720 | 400 Church St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Poughkeepsie City School District | 845-451-4850 | Forbus St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Poughkeepsie City School District | 845-451-4690 | 101 Mansion St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Poughkeepsie City School District | 845-451-4750 | 283 Mansion St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Poughkeepsie City School District | 845-451-4600 | 100 Montgomery St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Poughkeepsie City School District | 845-451-4630 | 12 S Perry St | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Schools Colleges & Universities | 845-575-3000 | 3399 North Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Spackenkill Public Schools | 845-463-7844 | Nassau Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
St Peter's School Hyde Park | 845-452-8580 | 12 Fr Cody Plz | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Wappingers Central School District | 845-298-5000 | 40 Kerr Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
Wappingers Central School District | 845-463-7860 | Vassar Rd | Poughkeepsie | NY | 12601 |
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