Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Buffalo, NY 14209
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Buffalo NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethesda Full Gospel | 716-884-3607 | 1365 Main St | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 716-886-2634 | 1272 Delaware Ave | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
Delaware Avenue Baptist Church | 716-884-0070 | 965 Delaware Ave | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
Episcopal Community Svces | 716-881-0660 | 1114 Delaware Ave | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mrca | 716-883-8966 | 49 Linwood Ave | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 716-886-0543 | 1080 Main St | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
King Douglas T | 716-884-9437 | 724 Delaware Ave | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
Lincoln Memorial United Methodist Churc | 716-884-7664 | 641 Masten Ave | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
Prayer & Praise Fellowship | 716-882-3058 | 1107 Main St | Buffalo | NY | 14209 |
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