Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Watertown, NY 13601
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Watertown NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 315-782-3240 | 327 Franklin St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 315-782-6534 | 491 Eastern Blvd | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Church of Christ | 315-788-4103 | 1426 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Concordia Lutheran Church | 315-782-1260 | 818 Arsenal St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Department of Christian Formation | 315-782-3620 | 866 Arsenal St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Emmanuel Congregational Church U C C | 315-782-2650 | 119 S Hamilton St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
First Bapt Church | 315-782-1051 | 207 State St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
First Presbyterian Church | 315-782-1750 | 403 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
First United Methodist Church | 315-782-3033 | 236 Mullin St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Korean Baptist Church of Watertown | 315-786-0250 | 265 E Main St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Maranatha Bible Baptist Church | 315-786-1881 | 622 Boyd St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 315-782-9908 | 19983 State Route 3 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Stone Presbyterian Church | 315-788-5630 | 140 Chestnut St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Assembly of God | 315-782-9349 | 20550 Weaver Rd | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Baptist Temple Study | 315-782-5019 | 26200 State Route 3 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
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