Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Government Offices in Watertown, NY 13601
* Each listing below of Government Offices Information for Watertown NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Children's Home of Jefferson Count | 315-779-1507 | 161 Clinton St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
City of Watertown | 315-779-9383 | 1050 Marble | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Glen Park Village of | 315-782-5674 | 630 Main St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Glen Park Village of | 315-782-8081 | 642 Main St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County Agricultural | 315-782-1806 | 21170 State Route 232 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County Business Servic | 315-782-4657 | 6390 Coffeen | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County Fair | 315-782-8612 | 650 W T Fields Dr | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County Job Development Cor | 315-782-9277 | Watertown Industrial | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-785-3001 | 163 Arsenal St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-785-3003 | 175 Arsenal St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-782-9030 | 250 Arsenal St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-782-9272 | 1240 Coffeen St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-782-9174 | 21897 County Route 190 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-785-3064 | Court House | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-786-3710 | 531 Meade St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-785-7906 | State | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-785-9072 | 27138 State Route 12 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County of | 315-786-2700 | 753 Waterman Dr | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Jefferson County Soil & Water Consrvtn | 315-782-2749 | 21168 State Route 232 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
New York State | 315-785-9317 | 22431 State Route 342 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
North Country Children's Clin | 315-782-9222 | 29 Empsall Plz | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-782-2233 | City Center Dr W | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-785-8870 | 1701 Huntington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-785-7845 | 1707 Huntington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-785-7720 | Muncpl Bldg | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-785-7740 | Municipal Bldg | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-782-9548 | Saint E | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-779-9051 | 281 State St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-785-9310 | 2 Thompson Park | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-782-6192 | Thompson Park | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-785-7757 | 245 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-785-7775 | 600 William T Field Dr | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City of | 315-785-7840 | 700 William T Field Dr | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown City School District | 315-785-3713 | 376 Butterfield Ave | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Town of | 315-788-9101 | 22825 County Route 67 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Town of | 315-788-9102 | 25239 Route 67 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Town of | 315-788-9103 | 20312 State Route 3 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Town of Clerk | 315-782-8248 | 22867 County Route 67 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Town of Highway | 315-782-0412 | 22869 County Route 67 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
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