Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Watertown, NY 13601
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Watertown NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aids Community Resources Inc | 315-785-8222 | 230 Franklin St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Association for the Blind and V Imp | 315-782-2451 | 321 Prospect St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Brookside Cemetery Assn | 315-788-5668 | Watertown Center Loo | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Cardiovascular Assn Inc of New York | 315-782-1791 | Lincoln Bldg | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Catholic Charities | 315-788-4330 | 812 State St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Cerebral Palsy Association of | 315-786-0983 | 200 Washington St Ste 300 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Christian Care Center | 315-782-4493 | 118 Franklin St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Cooperative Extension of Jefferson Co | 315-788-8450 | 203 N Hamilton St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Learning Disability Association of | 315-785-9440 | 617 Davidson St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Masonic Temple | 315-788-6620 | 240 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Media Shriners | 315-788-9738 | 26220 State Route 283 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
North Side Improvement League | 315-788-4480 | 633 Mill St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Score | 315-788-1200 | 518 Davidson St Ste 1 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
United States Government | 315-788-5839 | 190 Stone St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Sportsmen Inc | 315-788-5118 | Dry Hill Rd | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
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