Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Watertown, NY 13601
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Watertown NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine | 315-785-9588 | 315 Holcomb St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Addiction Services at Samaritan | 315-779-5060 | 1575 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Amatucci Gerald MD | 315-782-7400 | 218 Stone St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Antecol David H MD | 315-786-2000 | 826 Washington St Ste 106 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Aronowitz Jeffrey S MD | 315-786-0190 | 1304 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Ashraf Mirza M MD Pc | 315-782-2211 | 26060 State Route 3 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Associates of Northern New York Pc | 315-782-6070 | 714 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Baird Bruce L MD | 315-782-1650 | 1571 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Burke Grace Y Od | 315-788-6070 | 1815 State St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Callahan John MD | 315-782-4950 | 53 Public Sq | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Child & Adolescent Health Assoc | 315-788-2211 | 513 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Cohen Elliott MD | 315-788-2003 | 622 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Curtis Paul S MD Pc | 315-782-9364 | 19472 US Route 11 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Deblasio Daniel S MD | 315-785-4600 | Samaritan Medical Ce | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Dermatology & Plastic Surgery of Nrth | 315-786-1500 | 826 Washington St Ste 104 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Diaz Ernesto MD | 315-788-8615 | 165 Coleman Ave | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Drew Simon P MD | 315-788-2400 | 428 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Ewing-Chow David Eye | 315-788-0022 | 826 Washington St Ste 102 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Family Practice Associates | 315-786-1111 | 1116 Arsenal St Ste 501 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Farrell Francis J MD Pc | 315-782-6200 | 161 Clinton St Ste 205 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Forbes William I MD | 315-788-1751 | 826 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Hammad Ali MD | 315-782-9900 | 727 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Hospital House of the Good Samaritan | 315-785-4000 | 830 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Inhaber Neil MD | 315-786-0254 | 19320 US Route 11 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Kalamaras Steven J MD | 315-788-0485 | 629 Sherman St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Kellogg Collins F Jr | 315-782-2141 | 53-59 Public Sq | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Khan Moid MD | 315-788-3070 | 161 Clinton St Ste 105 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Krawchenko John MD | 315-782-5822 | 629 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Kyobe Moses MD | 315-779-7430 | 18564 US Route 11 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Latif Abdul MD | 315-782-9003 | 1340 Washington St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Maloney A MD | 315-788-5265 | 159 Mullin St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Maloney Judith A | 315-788-9849 | 228 Sherman St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Minaert Walter A MD | 315-782-1990 | 21017 State Route 12F | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
North Country Children's Clin | 315-782-6400 | Empsall Plz | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Northend Medical Practice Pllc | 315-779-2210 | 1116 Arsenal St Ste 503 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Pediatrics Associates of Watertown Pc | 315-782-4391 | PO Box 6600 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Popovici Bryan Dpm | 315-782-0026 | 618 State St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Primary Health of Northern Ny MD | 315-782-7550 | 156 Clinton St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Roache Edmund J MD | 315-782-4475 | 200 Mullin St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Shamosh Steven E MD | 315-779-1579 | 22107 Fabco Rd | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Siddiqui Arshad J MD Pc | 315-782-1810 | 532 Coffeen St | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
The Diabetes Osteoporosis & | 315-786-0224 | 1571 Washington St Ste 104 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Watertown Pediatrics | 315-782-7330 | 1571 Washington St Ste 107 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
Woodcock Leslie D Jr MD | 315-782-8330 | 161 Clinton St Ste 215 | Watertown | NY | 13601 |
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