Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Brooklyn, NY 11234
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amadeus Hair Design Inc | 718-251-3626 | 2426 Ralph Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Amari J Inc | 718-241-5072 | 1128 E 58th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Antonio Hair Salon | 718-377-3971 | 2116 Flatbush Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
B and B Beauty of Love Hope & Faith | 718-258-5701 | 4404 Avenue J | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
C French Inc | 718-253-8941 | 1680 Utica Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Coeur Elegance | 718-338-5712 | 1714 Utica Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Concept Elite | 718-258-5300 | 4101 Avenue U | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Dominican Magic | 718-692-3680 | 4914 Avenue H | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
East Lady Beauty Salon | 718-377-9308 | 2194 Flatbush Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Edouard Beauty Salon | 718-338-7158 | 2106 Flatbush Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Gina Hairstylist | 718-336-3641 | 3510 Quentin Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Hair I Am Unisex | 718-627-0709 | 3418 Quentin Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Hair Success Beauty Parlor | 718-758-1130 | 4526 Flatlands Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Hy Style Barbers & Beauty Salon | 718-763-3343 | 1784 Utica Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Hy's Beauty World | 718-968-8098 | 5914 Glenwood Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Irma's Unisex Beauty Salon | 718-787-0047 | 3101 Quentin Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
J & J Beauty & Barber Shop | 718-951-0886 | 2153 Utica Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Jerry's Place | 718-763-3341 | 7022 Avenue U | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
La Sirene Beauty Salon Inc | 718-951-0595 | 5023 Avenue N | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
La-Bre-Airs Unisex | 718-251-9629 | 5423 Avenue N | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Maat Salon Inc | 718-209-2900 | 7021 Avenue U | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Magic Touch Unisex Beauty Salon | 718-252-5287 | 4408 Avenue H | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Pearl Jade Inc | 718-252-5207 | 3504 Flatlands Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Premier Salon International | 718-377-4851 | 5200 Kings Plz | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Scissors & Co | 718-444-8000 | 6604 Avenue U | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Tameeka's Hair Salon | 718-451-4800 | 749 E 58th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Tru Starz's Hair | 718-258-2498 | 2171 Utica Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Young Nails | 718-382-3595 | 3421 Quentin Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
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