Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Brooklyn, NY 11238
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
African Hair Braiding | 718-778-8305 | 800 Franklin Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Alake Salon | 718-399-0030 | 741 Washington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Ambiance Hair Group | 718-636-0689 | 732 Washington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Bambe's African Hair Braiding | 718-230-5957 | 742 Washington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Bless Hands | 718-789-2375 | 618 Vanderbilt Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Carol's Beauty Salon | 718-622-9273 | 375 Classon Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Continental Beauty Lounge | 718-783-9166 | 1145 Fulton St | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Cuchies Beauty Salon | 718-398-9372 | 472 Sterling Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Designer Braids and Trade Inc | 718-783-2964 | 922 Fulton St | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Divatude | 718-398-8600 | 20 Putnam Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Dominican Style Hair Salon | 718-857-2226 | 914A Fulton St | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Dons & Divas Unisex Hair Salon | 718-398-3300 | 1087 Fulton St | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Hair Players 2000 | 718-230-0333 | 884 Fulton St | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Hi Tech Hair Boutique | 718-638-2811 | 859 Atlantic Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Jenny's Hair Salon | 718-783-3047 | 393 Classon Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Jesse House of Styles | 718-624-8920 | 11 Greene Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Juvienies Hair Salon | 718-636-1136 | 343 Franklin Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Kinky Krowns | 718-789-9844 | 686 Washington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
L'essence Unisex | 718-622-0882 | 504 Franklin Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Land of Beauty | 718-783-2331 | 744 Franklin Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Lasting Impressions Inc | 718-623-9022 | 637 Park Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Little Miss Beauty Salon | 718-230-0255 | 723 Washington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Locksmyth's | 718-638-6444 | 214 Greene Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Mariame Braiding | 718-778-1358 | 795 Franklin Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Mishon Mishon Natural Hair Gallery | 718-636-1660 | 110 Cambridge Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Monica's Hair Salon | 718-636-1100 | 824 Washington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
New Generation Hair Design | 718-636-2929 | 606 Vanderbilt Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Nu Wave Kultural Kreations | 718-953-5733 | 712 Washington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Nu Yu Day Spa Llc | 718-783-2616 | 43 Clifton Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Phenonmenon 2 | 718-783-1500 | 393 Clermont Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Salon Strategy | 718-638-3344 | 663 Vanderbilt Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Stylzes Hair Salon | 718-789-3396 | 347 Flatbush Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Time Salon The | 718-522-9030 | 9 Greene Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Today's Beauty Salon | 718-789-8921 | 19 Putnam Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Ujamaa Hair Network | 718-398-5616 | 212 Greene Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
Underhill Nails and Hair | 718-399-1882 | 203 Underhill Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
You Niques Hair Care & Products | 718-398-7257 | 903 Fulton St | Brooklyn | NY | 11238 |
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