Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Brooklyn, NY 11201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advent-Gravesend Church | 718-339-5255 | Avenue P & E 12 | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Beverly Presbyterian Church | 718-435-7657 | Beverly Rd & E 8 | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Centex M F S | 718-456-8772 | 680 Fairview Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Church of the Saviour | 718-624-5466 | 50 Monroe Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
First Presbyterian Church of Brook | 718-624-3770 | 124 Henry St | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
First Spanish Bapt Church | 718-625-5053 | 305 Pacific St | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
First Spanish Baptist Church Inc | 718-852-6046 | 301 Pacific St | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor | 718-643-1919 | 133 Remsen St | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Friends Religious Society of | 718-625-8705 | 110 Schermerhorn St | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Friends-Religious Soc of | 718-768-8298 | Prospeck Park | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Grace Church Bklyn Hgts | 718-624-1850 | 254 Hicks St | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
House of Prayer Brooklyn | 718-627-0427 | 3423 Avenue | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Lenox Road Baptist Church | 718-941-3359 | Lenox Rd & Nostrand | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Marine Pk Jewish Cntr | 718-376-5200 | 3311 Avenue | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Mikva Congregation Yetev Lev Dsatm | 718-387-9388 | 212 Williamsburg | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Sephardic Mikvah Israel | 718-339-4600 | 810 Avenue | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Sisters of Mercy | 718-622-5840 | 273 Wiloby Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Sixth Avenue Baptist Church | 718-638-1411 | 6 Avenue & Lincln Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
St Marks United Methodist Churc | 718-282-6304 | Ocean Avenue & Bever | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 718-443-2220 | Knckrbkr Avenue & Pa | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
St Stephens Lutheran Church | 718-462-3225 | Newkirk Avenue & E 2 | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Trinity United Presbyterian Ch | 718-574-6010 | Wilson Avenue & Weir | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
Zion German Evangelical Lutheran Church | 718-852-2453 | 125 Henry St | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 |
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