Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Brooklyn, NY 11209
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Al Imam Al Bukhary Islamic Centers | 718-238-2252 | 6915 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Bay Ridge United Church | 718-836-4978 | 636 Bay Ridge Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Bay Ridge United Methodist Churc | 718-238-4517 | 7002 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 718-748-9502 | 440 Ovington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Christ Church Bay Ridge | 718-745-3698 | 7301 Ridge Blvd | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Fort Hamilton Presbyterian Ch | 718-833-6352 | 367 94th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Our Lady of Angels Church | 718-836-7200 | 7320 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church | 718-745-0020 | 414 80th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Salam Arabic Lutheran Church | 718-748-4024 | 345 Ovington Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Second Church & Reading Room | 718-836-3121 | 516 Bay Ridge Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 718-745-0138 | 9020 3rd Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
Union Church of Bay Ridge | 718-745-0438 | 8101 Ridge Blvd | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
United Korean Church of New York | 718-833-4146 | 7618 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11209 |
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