Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Brooklyn, NY 11211
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central Rabbinical Congress | 718-384-6765 | 85 Division Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Chesed Leabraham Inc | 718-387-8611 | 131 Keap St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Congregation Kehilath Yakov Papa | 718-858-0107 | 110 Penn St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Congregation Khaladas Paye | 718-384-8444 | 296 Marcy Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Congregation Yetev Lev | 718-875-8907 | 128 Rutledge St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Devoe Street Baptist Church | 718-387-5075 | 140 Devoe St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Dor Yeshorim Inst | 718-384-6060 | 429 Wythe Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Epiphany R C Church | 718-387-2449 | 96 S 9th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
First Spanish Presbyterian Ch | 718-388-0700 | 159 N 3rd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
First Spanish Presbyterian Ch | 718-599-7769 | 161 S 3rd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Iglesia Pentecostal Del Senor Inc | 718-963-0236 | 353 Bedford Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Leren Education Center | 718-834-1645 | 119 Rutledge St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Light of the World Church | 718-384-8094 | 185 S 9th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Onward Ministries Intl Fellowship Inc | 718-387-4116 | 385 Broadway | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church | 718-384-0223 | 275 N 8th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Knights of Colu | 718-384-6234 | 16 Havemeyer St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes Kolel Siebenbur | 718-388-1168 | 202 Hewes St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Radio Avivamiento | 718-387-7080 | 507 Grand St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Spirit of Brotherhood Church | 718-218-8304 | 167 S 1st St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
St Nicholas Confraternity | 718-388-7543 | 287 Powers St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church of Willi | 718-782-1486 | 334 S 5th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
United Talmudical Academy | 718-387-9216 | 227 Marcy Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
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