Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Brooklyn, NY 11214
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Albadr Islamic Center | 718-372-8317 | 2230 Bath Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Bensonhurst Baptist Church | 718-621-5760 | 8646 18th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Bensonhurst Chinese Christian Churc | 718-234-9789 | 8668 18th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Bensonhurst Council of Jewish Organiza | 718-333-1834 | 8635 21st Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Church of the Holy Spirit | 718-837-0412 | 8117 Bay Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Haym Solomon Nursing Home | 718-373-1700 | 2340 Cropsey Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Marcy Wedding Chapel | 718-236-2646 | 7615 New Utrecht Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Metropolitan Baptist Church | 718-236-1197 | 1624 84th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Mikvah Israel of Bensonhurst | 718-372-9563 | 48 Bay 28th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
New Life in Jesus | 718-234-6795 | 1967 Bath Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Santa Fortunata Soc Inc | 718-256-0689 | 7702 17th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
Spirit of Jesus Evangelistic Co | 718-265-7741 | 2461 Bath Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11214 |
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