Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Day Care in Brooklyn, NY 11216
* Each listing below of Day Care Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bedford Central Presbyterian Da | 718-773-4600 | 1200 Dean St | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Brooklyn Tabernacle Kiddie College | 718-857-4489 | 600 Lafayette Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Bruce John Edward Day Care Center # 1 | 718-771-3800 | 813 Sterling Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Friends of Crown Heights #2 | 718-638-8686 | 671 Prospect Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Garden of Learning Day Care The | 718-778-0996 | 834 Prospect Pl | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Haitian Amer Day Care Center | 718-778-8383 | 1491 Bedford Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Happy Hours Day Care | 718-638-5990 | 275 Putnam Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Lets Care Again Day Care Center | 718-773-8840 | 738 Nostrand Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Practical Learning Center II | 718-773-5070 | 529 Eastern Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
Rainbow Campus Inc | 718-774-5652 | 1110 Bergen St | Brooklyn | NY | 11216 |
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