Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Day Care in Brooklyn, NY 11226
* Each listing below of Day Care Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Candy Kids Preschool | 718-287-6200 | 3212 Church Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Day Care Council of New York | 718-282-4500 | 204 Parkside Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Day Care Works | 718-826-1000 | 156 Clarkson Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Daycare on Rogers | 718-703-4312 | 775 Rogers Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Delores Children Center | 718-287-8736 | 2597 Bedford Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
First Impressions Nursery School | 718-462-5009 | 782 Rogers Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Flatbush Action Community Day C | 718-693-9891 | 525 Parkside Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Get Set Kindergarten School & Day Ca | 718-469-0734 | 2301 Snyder Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Happy Child Day Care Center & Int & | 718-941-7899 | 353 Ocean Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Higher Level Daycare | 718-856-4064 | 2401 Beverley Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Kids Universe Child Development Ctr | 718-941-3285 | 2723 Church Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
New Hope Day Care Inc | 718-284-5923 | 1481 Nostrand Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Parkway Elementary & Preschool | 718-941-2827 | 1159 Flatbush Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
Tinee Steps Group Day Care | 718-675-6818 | 441 Ocean Ave Apt 3D | Brooklyn | NY | 11226 |
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