* Each listing below of Electrical Services Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aar Co Electric Inc | 718-531-1114 | 5902 Avenue N | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Al Ba Electrical Corp | 718-998-7800 | 3521 Avenue S | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Blumenthal Electric Corp | 718-258-4300 | 1653 E 55th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Ginsorg Electric Co Inc | 718-336-1463 | 1717 E 32nd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Guy Electric Co | 718-377-1143 | 1491 E 45th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
J & R Rey Electl Contractors Inc | 718-253-7550 | 4616 Flatlands Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
J C Campbell Electrical Contractors Inc | 718-375-4114 | 3602 Quentin Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Mac Electrical Contractor | 718-238-8841 | 2807 Flatbush Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Mc Guire Electrical Corp | 718-998-6089 | 3608 Fillmore Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Medco Electric | 718-253-1335 | 3309 Avenue N | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
New Phase Electrical Cont | 718-241-1415 | 1232 E 55th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Phase Out Electrical Maintenance Cor | 718-332-8855 | 1244 E 70th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Reala Electrical Contracting Cor | 718-758-9188 | 2128 E 37th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Schorr's Electric Co Inc | 718-531-1706 | 2119 E 65th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |
Tom Fitzpatrick Electrical Cont | 718-677-1101 | 1643 Utica Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11234 |