Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Brooklyn, NY 11206
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Elementary School | 718-782-0569 | 115 Throop Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
Boricua College | 718-963-4112 | 9 Graham Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
Brooklyn Temple S D A Elementary Scho | 718-574-0907 | 3 Lewis Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
H & R Block | 718-388-8490 | 740 Broadway | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
Most Holy Trinity Church | 718-384-1101 | 138 Montrose Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
Most Holy Trinity Church School O | 718-388-3176 | 140 Montrose Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-455-1000 | 18 Beaver St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-497-0139 | 207 Bushwick Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-497-0326 | 325 Bushwick Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-384-7128 | 60 Cook St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-574-2377 | 280 Hart St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-302-7900 | 215 Heyward St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-388-0607 | 370 Marcy Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-387-3241 | 101 Maujer St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-384-0889 | 108 Montrose Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-821-4823 | 100 Noll St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-388-4581 | 700 Park Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-443-3600 | 211 Throop Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-782-9500 | 70 Tompkins Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-782-0589 | 101 Walton St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
N Y City of | 718-387-0375 | 545 Willoughby Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
New Bedford Stuyvesant Junio High Scho | 718-453-1000 | 82 Lewis Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
Offsite Educational Svcs | 718-599-5231 | 187 Leonard St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
St Marks Lutheran School | 718-455-5445 | 626 Bushwick Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
The New Horizons Adult Education Progr | 718-455-1166 | 75 Lewis Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
Vernon Avenue Children's Scho | 718-455-1800 | 386 Vernon Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
Yeshiva & Mesivta Arugath Habosem | 718-237-4500 | 40 Lynch St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
Yeshiva Chernobil | 718-302-9395 | 274 Wallabout St | Brooklyn | NY | 11206 |
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