Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Brooklyn, NY 11211
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beth Chana Schl for Girls | 718-388-5491 | 204 Keap St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Beth Chana School | 718-802-1009 | 620 Bedford Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Bnoth Jerusalem Incorp | 718-387-8166 | 47 Lee Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Boricua College | 718-782-2200 | 186 N 6th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Color Touch Processing | 718-963-1800 | 1050 Grand St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Cong Adas Yerein Inc | 718-388-1751 | 185 Wilson St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Congregation Yetev Lev | 718-384-2373 | 165 Clymer St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Damon Residential School | 718-387-9100 | 310 S 1st St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Early Intervention Center of Brook | 718-599-3300 | 70 Havemeyer St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Francis of Paola Pre School Early Le | 718-782-1462 | 201 Conselyea St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
H & R Block | 718-782-9275 | 272 Broadway | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Jewish Center for Special Educati | 718-486-6286 | 149 Rodney St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
N Y City of | 718-384-8063 | 250 Berry St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
N Y City of | 718-387-2701 | 850 Grand St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
N Y City of | 718-388-1588 | 360 Keap St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
N Y City of | 718-387-2929 | 205 N 5th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
N Y City of | 718-486-2500 | 257 N 6th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
N Y City of | 718-387-7820 | 325 S 3rd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
N Y City of | 718-599-2895 | 211 S 4th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
New York City Community School District | 718-782-5352 | 157 Wilson St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Northside Catholic Academy | 718-782-1110 | 10 Withers St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
St Peter & Paul's Schl | 718-387-1041 | 288 Berry St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Talmud Torah Dnitra | 718-596-6765 | 712 Wythe Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
The Center for Special Education | 718-782-0064 | 430 Kent Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
United Talmudical Academy | 718-384-9229 | 236 Marcy Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Uta Inc | 718-388-5940 | 160 Ross St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Uta Mesivta Kiryas Joel Inc | 718-599-4996 | 221 Ross St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshiva Beth Josef Zvi Dushinsky | 718-599-6938 | 135 Ross St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshiva Beth Yitchak D'spinka | 718-387-4597 | 575 Bedford Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshiva Gedolah Ohr Yisroel | 718-963-4200 | 281 Rutledge St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshiva Kehilath Yakou Inc | 718-855-9020 | 158 Lee Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshiva Kehilath Yakov Inc | 718-388-2800 | 638 Bedford Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshiva of Congregation Tzemach Tzabik | 718-782-6383 | 186 Ross St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshiva of Nitra Rabbinical Coll | 718-384-5460 | 194 Division Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshiva Toldas Hillel | 718-802-9567 | 35 Hewes St | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
Yeshivas Ahavas Israel | 718-388-0848 | 6 Lee Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11211 |
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