Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Brooklyn, NY 11218
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha Phone | 718-435-5476 | 1279 37th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Bais Tziporah High School | 718-871-2055 | 3605 13th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Bnos Jerusalem of Belz | 718-871-0500 | 600 McDonald Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
H & R Block | 718-693-1100 | 771 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
International Children's Ctr | 718-871-9547 | 550 Ocean Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
International Christian School | 718-436-3779 | 302 Vanderbilt St | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Islamic Dawah Center Inc | 718-871-3930 | 630 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Jewish Education Program | 718-941-2600 | 425 E 9th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
N Y City of | 718-436-7200 | 4001 18th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
N Y City of | 718-330-9380 | 1 Albemarle Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
N Y City of | 718-438-4010 | 202 Avenue C | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
N Y City of | 718-941-5450 | 700 Cortelyou Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Service Programs Inc | 718-436-4800 | 950 McDonald Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia | 718-633-3490 | 240 Ocean Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeled V'yalva Early Childhood | 718-686-9644 | 3820 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeshiva Beis Meir | 718-437-5844 | 1327 38th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeshiva Beth Hillel of Krasna Inc | 718-854-6124 | 1468 38th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeshiva Derech Chaim | 718-435-9285 | 1573 39th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeshiva Gedolah of Midwood | 718-853-2400 | 201 Avenue F | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeshiva Head Start Program | 718-851-1079 | 1402 40th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeshiva Shaare Torah | 718-437-6101 | 222 Ocean Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeshiva Shaarei Yosher | 718-854-2290 | 1630 41st St Apt A11 | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
Yeshiva Zichron Meilech | 718-438-9820 | 504 Dahill Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11218 |
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