Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Brooklyn, NY 11219
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Friends of B M G | 718-854-7260 | 1279 50th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
American International Acupuncture Ins | 718-853-8606 | 1143 60th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bais Brocho of Karlin Stolin | 718-853-1222 | 4314 10th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bais Fruma Primary School | 718-972-7666 | 1377 42nd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bais Simcha Pre-School | 718-438-9275 | 1051 59th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bais Yaakov D'khal Adas Yereim School | 718-435-5111 | 1169 43rd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bais Yaakov High School Educational Off | 718-851-2255 | 4420 15th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bais Yaakov of Adas Yereim | 718-871-2278 | 1215 50th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bais Yaakov of Brooklyn | 718-435-0437 | 1362 49th St Ste 1 | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Belz Institutions in Isreal | 718-851-2800 | 4303 15th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Beth Jacob of Boro Park | 718-436-7300 | 1371 46th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Beth Jacob Teachers Seminary | 718-851-2937 | 4421 15th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Beth Medrash Govdha Institute for A | 718-438-8300 | 1251 51st St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Beth Rachel School of Boro Park | 718-438-4741 | 940 47th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Beth Rachel School of Boro Park | 718-438-7822 | 960 49th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bnos Zion of Bobov | 718-438-3080 | 5000 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Bobover Yeshiva Bnei Zion | 718-853-7900 | 4909 15th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Challenge Infant Developemental | 718-972-0880 | 4228 10th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Commercial Space Management | 718-438-5100 | 1475 47th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Congregration Beth Yizhok Skolya | 718-633-0005 | 1335 48th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Guild for Exceptional Children | 718-431-0693 | 1273 57th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
H & R Block | 718-435-8366 | 4119 13th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Head Start United Talamudical | 718-972-7595 | 5301 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Hebrew Academy for Special Childre | 718-851-6100 | 1311 55th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Jerusalem Academy of Jewish Studies | 718-633-3875 | 6010 15th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Kedushat Zion | 718-686-7165 | 1532 47th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Kollel Beth Yechiel Mechil of Tarti | 718-972-2210 | 1452 55th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Labor & Industry for Education | 718-854-9471 | 1320 54th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Mosdos Chasidei Square | 718-436-2550 | 4224 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Mosdos Chasidei Square | 718-436-5054 | 1321 42nd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Mosdos Chasidei Square | 718-436-0142 | 1373 43rd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
N Y City of | 718-854-4100 | 4211 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
N Y City of | 718-438-3230 | 1031 59th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
N Y City of | 718-236-3394 | 1171 65th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
N Y City of | 718-686-1457 | 4305 Fort Hamilton Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
N Y City of | 718-438-0337 | 5105 Fort Hamilton Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
New York City Community School District | 718-236-7755 | 1225 Bay Ridge Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Ohel Yochanan | 718-431-2991 | 1460 56th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Photo Park Inc | 718-436-7000 | 5417 New Utrecht Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
S P F H C School Health Project | 718-492-2234 | 1309 47th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Slabodka Yeshivah Rabbinical Coll | 718-633-2513 | 1339 46th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Step by Step Development | 718-633-6666 | 1049 38th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Talmud Torah Chatzar | 718-436-1248 | 4511 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Talmud Torah Chatzar Hakodesh Sanz | 718-436-1234 | 1353 50th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Talmud Torah Tiferes Bunim Inc | 718-436-6868 | 5202 13th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Tomer Dvorah Dskwere Pre School | 718-871-0859 | 4622 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Tshebiner Yeshiva Kohav Miyaacov of Jer | 718-851-5474 | 1434 57th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
United Munkacser Yeshivos | 718-438-7633 | 1372 47th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Beth Hillel of Krasna Inc | 718-438-9434 | 1371 42nd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Beth Jos Rabbinical Semi | 718-438-9172 | 1429 49th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Bobover | 718-435-7514 | 4206 15th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Boyan | 718-435-6060 | 4315 12th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Darkei Emunah | 718-633-7220 | 4607 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Imeri Yosef Spinka | 718-851-1600 | 5801 15th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Kehilath Yakov Inc | 718-972-2902 | 4706 10th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva M'kor Chaim | 718-851-0183 | 1571 55th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Ohr Moleh Koson | 718-972-4078 | 1383 44th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Tiferes | 718-438-1818 | 1010 45th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshiva Tiferes Elimelech | 718-854-3062 | 4407 12th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshivas Minchas Eluzer | 718-972-3691 | 4706 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yeshivas Novominsk | 718-438-2727 | 1569 47th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
Yoshiva Ohr Torah | 718-972-9394 | 4615 14th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11219 |
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