Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Brooklyn, NY 11223
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ahaba Ve Ahava of Flatbush | 718-336-0728 | 1997 E 7th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Ahaba Ve Ahava of Flatbush | 718-376-3140 | 2001 E 7th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Big Apple Institute Inc | 718-333-1099 | 505 Lake St | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Brooklyn Borough High School District | 718-373-6400 | 50 Avenue X | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Education Plus Center | 718-265-4439 | 144 Avenue T | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Harma Inst of Secondary Education | 718-743-3141 | 30 Lancaster Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Horizons in Dance | 718-339-6977 | 426 Avenue U | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Mirrer Yeshiva Centrl Institute | 718-645-0536 | 1791 Ocean Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
N Y City of | 718-375-7635 | 228 Avenue S | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
N Y City of | 718-645-2862 | 350 Avenue X | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
N Y City of | 718-339-4355 | 1633 E 8th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
N Y City of | 718-372-7393 | 1855 Stillwell Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
N Y City of | 718-449-5050 | 345 Van Sicklen St | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Nazareth Regional High School | 718-763-1100 | 57 Avenue T | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
New York City Community School District | 718-339-2464 | 415 Avenue S | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Our Lady of Grace Church | 718-375-0404 | 430 Avenue W | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Saint Catherine Laboure School | 718-449-1857 | 294 Avenue T | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Torah Academy of Brooklyn | 718-339-8844 | 2066 E 9th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Yeshiva Ateret Torah | 718-998-1990 | 1750 E 4th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Yeshiva Ateret Torah | 718-375-7100 | 901 Quentin Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
Yeshiva Ohr Eliever | 718-336-2898 | 511 Avenue R | Brooklyn | NY | 11223 |
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