Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Brooklyn, NY 11230
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amer Friends of Ohr Somayach | 718-677-6200 | 1399 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Bais Simcha Pre-School | 718-677-1774 | 1253 E 18th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Beacon Healthcare School Inc | 718-758-2800 | 1815 Avenue M | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Beth Jacob Academy Elementary Scho | 718-339-2030 | 1213 Elm Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Beth Jacob Day School | 718-633-1232 | 85 Parkville Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Brooklyn Borough High School District | 718-258-9283 | 1600 Avenue L | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Brooklyn Hebrew School for Special Chi | 718-258-6504 | 1893 Ocean Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Brooklyn Seventh Day Adventist Schoo | 718-859-1313 | 1260 Ocean Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Hebrew Institute for the Deaf & Exce | 718-377-7507 | 1401 Avenue I | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Imagine Academy | 718-376-8882 | 1465 E 7th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Masores Bais Yaakov School | 718-692-1926 | 1395 Ocean Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
N Y City of | 718-338-9201 | 1120 E 10th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
N Y City of | 718-339-1422 | 1100 Elm Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
N Y City of | 718-434-6960 | 1100 Newkirk Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
N Y League for Early Learning | 718-382-1060 | 1520 E 13th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
P T A C H Chaim Berlin Elementary Scho | 718-338-8670 | 1310 Avenue I | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Shulamith Schl for Girls | 718-338-4000 | 1277 E 14th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
St Vincent Ferrer Schl | 718-859-3505 | 37 Glenwood Rd | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Talmudical School of Brooklyn | 718-376-3775 | 1470 Ocean Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
The Cheder | 718-252-6333 | 129 Elmwood Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Torah for Special Children | 718-336-6071 | 1530 E 12th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Torah Headstart | 718-258-7767 | 1114 Avenue J | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva & Kollel Harbotzas Torah | 718-692-0208 | 1049 E 15th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisroel | 718-258-7400 | 1097 E 19th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Lomza Petach Tikva Israel | 718-853-6811 | 37 Parkville Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Mikdash Melch | 718-339-1090 | 1326 Ocean Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva of Flatbush Elementary Scho | 718-253-9659 | 919 E 10th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Ohr Shraga Veretzsky | 718-252-7777 | 1549 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Ohr Shraga Veretzsky | 718-633-5974 | 102 Webster Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin Gur Arye | 718-377-0777 | 1603 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Ruach Hatorah | 718-338-2686 | 1450 Ocean Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Shaare Torah | 718-677-0685 | 1020 Ocean Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshiva Sharei Hayosher | 718-376-1633 | 1334 Ocean Pkwy | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Yeshivah Chasdei Torah | 718-677-1630 | 1305 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
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