Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Brooklyn, NY 11230
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bahar Restaurant | 718-434-8088 | 984 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Berosa | 718-940-9454 | 943 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Bissaleh | 718-998-8811 | 1922 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Bonjour Cafe Inc | 718-336-7500 | 1827 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Bukhara Restaurant | 718-258-8666 | 998 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Cafe Napoli | 718-627-6077 | 1636 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Caraville Restrnt Corp | 718-339-2540 | 1910 Avenue M | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Crown Fried Chicken & Fish Market | 718-859-0987 | 1043 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Discount Plus | 718-284-2968 | 957 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Dushanbe | 718-336-6698 | 1915 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Essex on Coney Deli | 718-253-1002 | 1359 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Family Garden | 718-859-2738 | 1709 Foster Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Famous Pita | 718-284-0161 | 935 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Flatbush Kosher Take Home Foods | 718-252-8888 | 1383 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Full Time | 718-382-1616 | 1724 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Garden of Eat-In Corp | 718-252-5289 | 1416 Avenue J | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Golden Chop Sticks Restaurant | 718-375-8340 | 1986 Ocean Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Gorman Luncheonette | 718-859-6938 | 1011 Foster Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Gourmet on J Inc | 718-338-9181 | 1412 Avenue J | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Hoso Lunch | 718-859-2983 | 1154 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Island Escape | 718-336-8900 | 1635 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Jantar Deli | 718-686-1207 | 964 McDonald Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Jc Chikurin Restaurant | 718-338-1818 | 1777 Ocean Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Jerusalem Steak House II | 718-258-8899 | 1319 Avenue J | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Jerusalem Steak Houses II Off Avenue M | 718-376-0680 | 1316 Avenue M | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Kamshing Take Out Restaurant | 718-421-5252 | 1608 Avenue H | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Kosher Delight | 718-377-6873 | 1223 Avenue J | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
La Zzat Restaurant | 718-434-4110 | 1148 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
La Zzat Restaurant | 718-434-1002 | 1150 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Lahore Restaurant | 718-859-7770 | 1076 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Lung Wah Kitchen | 718-859-8081 | 1015 Avenue H | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Mama Lucia's Restaurant | 718-434-9858 | 1701 Foster Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Meisner's Prepared Kosher Foods | 718-375-7919 | 1710 Avenue M | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Miss Liberty Coffee Shop | 718-339-9400 | 1737 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Olympic Pita | 718-258-6222 | 1419 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Pakiza Restaurant Inc | 718-434-5596 | 1032 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Peking Kitchen of Ny Inc | 718-376-2207 | 1806 Avenue M | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Sampak Construction Company | 718-421-1000 | 1067 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Shalom Hunan Kosher Restaurant | 718-382-6000 | 1619 Avenue M | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Subsational | 718-998-4545 | 1928 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Swad Restaurant | 718-421-2727 | 1107 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
US Wholsale | 718-686-6677 | 991 McDonald Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
Zakusochnaya | 718-376-6404 | 1895 Coney Island Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11230 |
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