Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Brooklyn, NY 11232
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Brooklyn NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
147 27 Street Restaurant Inc | 718-499-0776 | 147 27th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Angie's Restaurant | 718-832-0343 | 204 42nd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Best Deli | 718-499-7510 | 4106 2nd Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Burger King | 718-435-9898 | 4101 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Castillo Ecuatoriano Restaurant | 718-437-7676 | 4020 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Cousins Deli | 718-768-6811 | 4102 3rd Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Double Dragon | 718-369-1535 | 4318 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
El Caribeno Restaurant | 718-686-1644 | 4012 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
El Caviar Restaurant | 718-369-1666 | 4210 3rd Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
El Tesoro Ecuatoriano Restaurant | 718-972-3756 | 4015 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Georgian Steak House and Bar | 718-854-8467 | 4124 8th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Gina's Pizzeria | 718-438-9870 | 3905 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Gloria Restaurant | 718-832-3058 | 4312 3rd Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Gourmet Croissant | 718-499-9316 | 948 3rd Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Great Dragon | 718-871-5300 | 4224 8th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Han's Deli Inc | 718-832-9476 | 680 3rd Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
J F K Fried Chicken | 718-686-8488 | 887 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Kam Wei Kitchen | 718-436-6002 | 806 42nd St | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Kay Cheong Restaurant Inc | 718-832-7760 | 950 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 718-768-4853 | 798 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
La Campirana Mexican Restaurant Corp | 718-871-3469 | 4010 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
La Familia Restaurant | 718-832-7568 | 938 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
La Fe Restaurant | 718-788-0139 | 941 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
La Parada Restaurant | 718-369-0115 | 855 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 718-788-9226 | 968 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Modern Kitchen & Bath Designs Inc | 718-439-6666 | 250 44th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
New No 1 Kitchen | 718-499-8235 | 181 34th St | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Nick's Restaurant | 718-832-3181 | 876 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Restaurant Salvadoreno Usuluteco | 718-436-8025 | 4017 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Reyna De La Nube Bakery & Seafood | 718-832-0200 | 922A 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Santo Domingo Invita Restrnt | 718-851-9616 | 4114 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Super Pollo Latino Inc | 718-871-5700 | 4102 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Taco Bell | 718-871-0087 | 993 4th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Taqueria La Mixteca Restauran T | 718-686-1519 | 4118 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
Vamos Pa' Tabasco | 718-369-4949 | 822 5th Ave | Brooklyn | NY | 11232 |
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