Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lowville, NY 13367
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lowville NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Restaurant | 315-376-2145 | 7416 Utica Blvd | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Baker's Grill | 315-376-7115 | 7561 S State St | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Doyle's Pub & Restaurant | 315-376-3102 | State Route 177 | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Flat Rock Inn | 315-376-2332 | Flat Rock Rd | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Gary's Restaurant | 315-376-6612 | 5424 Shady Ave | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Golden Home Sing | 315-376-4167 | 5406 Shady Ave | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Jebs | 315-376-6029 | 5403 Shady Ave | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Jreck Subs | 315-376-2285 | 7596 E State St | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Lighthouse Restaurant & Motel The | 315-376-2931 | 7392 Utica Blvd | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Lloyd's of Lowville | 315-376-7037 | 7405 S State St | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 315-376-7100 | Lowville Shopping Pl | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Memories Restaurant & Lounge | 315-376-6650 | 6218 Number Four Rd | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Montague Inn | 315-376-2078 | Sears Pond Rd | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Stash's Pub | 315-376-8464 | 7533 S State St | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
Tug Hill Inn | 315-376-4299 | Salmon River Rd | Lowville | NY | 13367 |
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