Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Dansville, NY 14437
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Dansville NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assembly of God Church | 585-335-3573 | 8 W Liberty St | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
Church of Christ | 585-234-0821 | PO Box 324 | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
Dansville Revival Tabernacle Chur | 585-335-9850 | 9319 Main St | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
Daybreak Foursquare Church | 585-335-7707 | 49 West Ave | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
Grace Baptist Church | 585-335-6190 | 9316 Main St | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
Ossian Hill Presbyterian Ch | 585-335-7099 | 4817 Ossian Hill Rd | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
Presbyterian Church of Dansville | 585-335-5363 | Central Park | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
Saint Peters Episcopal Church | 585-335-5434 | Clara Barton | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
Sparta Center United Methodist Churc | 585-335-2091 | 8455 Sparta Center Rd | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church | 585-335-5260 | 21 Clara Barton St | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church | 585-335-2409 | 233 Main St | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
United Methodist Church | 585-335-5354 | 5 Chestnut Ave | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
West Sparta United Methodist | 585-335-8030 | PO Box 671 | Dansville | NY | 14437 |
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