Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Rochester, NY 14614
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Rochester NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams Anthony J Jr Atty | 585-232-6900 | 28 E Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Agnello Arthur A Attorny | 585-546-3200 | 36 W Main St Ste 321 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Agola Christina A Attorney | 585-262-3320 | 28 E Main St Ste 730 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Ajaka Maroun G Attorney at Law | 585-232-1420 | 144 Exchange Blvd | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Albert Kenneth I Atty | 585-454-6000 | 13 Fitzhugh St S Ste 100 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Alexander & Catalano Llc | 585-232-7120 | 1 W Main St Ste 900 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Ali Seema Atty | 585-454-7145 | 39 State St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Anderson Christopher S Atty | 585-325-7430 | 13 Fitzhugh St S | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Andolina Lawrence J Atty | 585-454-2181 | 2 State St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Antell Robt H Atty | 585-232-3730 | 2 State St Ste 1600 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Aquilina Vivian M Atty | 585-325-5450 | 19 W Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Aramini Mary E | 585-325-5820 | 30 W Broad St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Association of Collaborative L | 585-262-4700 | 950 Reynolds Arc | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Attorney at Law Leonard Relin | 585-454-4336 | 1 E Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Avery Roger W Atty | 585-232-5885 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 250 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Baird Edmund C Atty | 585-238-2000 | 28 E Main St Ste 1400 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Bandych Rachel B Esquire | 585-232-8580 | 16 W Main St Lbby | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Barden Paul G Atty | 585-546-2500 | 25 E Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Bardenstein Cathy J Atty | 585-325-4300 | 19 W Main St Ste 750 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Barker Terrence G Atty | 585-454-6820 | 45 Exchange Blvd | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Barone Vincent M Atty | 585-546-6440 | 125 State St Ste 300 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Battaglia Jack M Atty | 585-987-2800 | 2 State St Ste 700 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Belanger Matthew F | 585-325-5150 | 2 State St Ste 400 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Benesh Kathleen B Atty | 585-454-6480 | 1 W Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Best Jeremy B Atty | 585-454-0700 | 300 State St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Bleier Donald R | 585-454-2190 | 125 State St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Blum Mark R Atty | 585-423-1611 | 30 W Broad St Ste 203 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Bonavilla Jon E Atty | 585-546-7830 | 36 W Main St Ste 500 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Brantley Hugh F | 585-325-4840 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 632 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Brenna Robt L Jr Atty | 585-454-2000 | 31 E Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Brown & Hutchinson | 585-454-5050 | 2 State St Ste 925 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Brown James E Atty | 585-423-0246 | 45 E Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Broyles Mark K Atty | 585-325-6202 | 28 E Main St Ste 1800 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Bubel Neil F Attorny | 585-546-1881 | 36 W Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Buckner and Kourofsky | 585-232-8314 | 1 Washington St S Ste 100 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Burbank Paul Whittaker Atty | 585-327-5040 | 125 State St Ste 400 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Burke & Burke | 585-232-5958 | 19 W Main St Ste 200 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Burkhart Wm E Jr | 585-325-1750 | 16 E Main St Ste 450 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Burkwit Chas F Atty | 585-546-1588 | 450 Reynolds Arc | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Byrnes Jas M Atty | 585-292-1040 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 914 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Chikovsky & Associates Inc | 585-546-7777 | 28 E Main St Ste 700 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Christiano Gallant & Coletti | 585-232-7560 | 16 E Main St Ste 350 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Ciaccio Christopher S Atty | 585-262-2740 | 30 W Broad St Ste 404 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Corcoran Christopher H Attorny | 585-454-5850 | 5 Fitzhugh St S | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Corletta Thomas A Attorney | 585-546-5072 | 16 W Main St Ste 240 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Crimi & Crimi | 585-325-2830 | 8 Exchange Blvd Ste 310 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Crosby Michael J Atty | 585-230-7575 | 45 E Main St Ste 250 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Curran John G Atty | 585-454-6180 | 36 W Main St Ste 310 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Davidson Fink Cook Kelly and Galbr | 585-546-6448 | 28 E Main St Ste 1700 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Dejohn Timothy W Attorny | 585-263-2772 | 30 W Broad St Ste 301 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Dewart Wm F Jr Atty | 585-546-8426 | 65 W Broad St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Dimarco & Riley Llp | 585-232-2550 | 2 State St Ste 975 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Duffy and Tiernan | 585-232-7510 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 725 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Feinstock Carl L | 585-454-2433 | 1 W Main St Ste 800 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Ferguson Richard Atty | 585-325-3400 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 803 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Fitch Julian M Attorny | 585-546-2960 | 19 W Main St Ste 910 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Fitzgerald & Fitzgerald | 585-454-2585 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 529 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Fitzsimmons Jas B Atty | 585-546-5270 | 16 E Main St Ste 300 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Forsyth & Forsyth | 585-262-3400 | 30 W Broad St Ste 403 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Gallina Fred Atty | 585-325-3120 | 8 Exchange Blvd Ste 100 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Geiger & Rothenberg | 585-232-1946 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 800 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Gitlin Robt B Atty | 585-325-5343 | 16 E Main St Ste 200 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Goldman Ronald S Attorney at Law | 585-546-7410 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 532 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Goldstein & Labue Attorneys | 585-325-4110 | 19 W Main St Ste 600 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Gray David M | 585-232-7290 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 1010 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Gullace & Weld | 585-546-1980 | 28 E Main St Ste 500 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Hamberger & Weiss | 585-262-6390 | 1 Washington St S | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Handelman Eric D Atty | 585-232-2225 | 16 E Main St Ste 410 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Hirsch & Tubiolo Attorneys at La | 585-546-2434 | 1000 Reynolds Arc | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Iannuzo & Iannuzo | 585-546-6688 | 13 Fitzhugh St S Ste 300 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Kermisch Nira T Attorney at Law | 585-232-7280 | 36 W Main St Ste 405 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Kraus Sherry S Jd Llm Tax | 585-262-3360 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 513 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Kunze & Kunze Pllc | 585-262-2120 | 16 W Main St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Lamb Maureen P Atty | 585-325-6700 | 8 Exchange Blvd Ste 510 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Law Offices of Bryon W Gross | 585-232-7870 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 825 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Leone Robt F Atty | 585-232-1020 | 36 W Main St Ste 400 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Levy & Licata Pc | 585-232-1980 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 1025 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Logan Baldwin Emmelyn Attorny | 585-232-2292 | 171 State St # 400 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Loria Russell M Atty | 585-454-3567 | 55 State St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Lubelle Levin & Krenitsky | 585-546-1383 | 19 W Main St Ste 821 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Merzbach Ralph K Atty | 585-454-3030 | 73 State St | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Metzler Eric J Atty | 585-546-3065 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 200 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Murante David A Atty | 585-546-1770 | 8 Exchange Blvd | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Murante Gerald S Atty | 585-546-2790 | 8 Exchange Blvd Ste 711 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Nevarez & Nevarez | 585-546-1190 | 144 Exchange Blvd Ste 401 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Passero Ronald J Atty | 585-325-1410 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 500 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Petrone & Petrone Pc | 585-232-7730 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 929 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Philippone Law Offices | 585-325-7455 | 31 E Main St Ste 4000 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Platania Jos A Atty | 585-232-3246 | 25 E Main St Ste 500 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Pre Trial Services Corporation Mnr | 585-454-3491 | 80 W Main St Ste 200 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Rinere & Rinere Llp | 585-454-5930 | 36 W Main St Ste 798 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Ross David G Atty | 585-325-6942 | 440 Reynolds Arc | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Sayers Sharon Kelly | 585-454-2320 | 30 W Broad St Ste 506 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Schiano Chas A Jr | 585-546-7150 | 8 Exchange Blvd Ste 315 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Schwartzman Frank A Atty | 585-546-7686 | 16 E Main St Ste 630 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
The Harrison Law Office | 585-232-4878 | 69 Cascade Dr Ste 305 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Traynor Skehan & Marks | 585-232-3464 | 45 Exchange Blvd Ste 701 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
West & West | 585-325-4117 | 25 E Main St Ste 300 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Wicks Jeffrey Pllc | 585-325-6070 | 36 W Main St Ste 318 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Williams & Williams | 585-232-6551 | 28 E Main St Ste 600 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Wolford & Leclair Llp | 585-325-8000 | 16 E Main St Ste 600 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
Youth Advocacy | 585-232-4090 | 65 W Broad St Ste 400 | Rochester | NY | 14614 |
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