Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Penfield, NY 14526
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Penfield NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Browncroft Community Church | 585-388-0378 | 33 Bramblewood Ln | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
First Baptist Church of Penfield Abc | 585-586-2876 | 1862 Penfield Rd | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
Grace Church | 585-899-3910 | 260 Embury Rd | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
Gurudwara of Rochstr | 585-377-2771 | 2041 Dublin Rd | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
Korean United Methodist Church of Rochs | 585-872-0188 | 1274 Penfield Center Rd | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
New Covenent Fellowship | 585-641-0195 | 2070 Five Mile Line Rd | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
Penfield United Methodist Churc | 585-586-0618 | 1795 Baird Rd | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
Reformers Unanimous Addiction Progr | 585-388-0850 | 1850 Fairport Nine Mile P | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
Rochester Chinese Christian Churc | 585-872-6708 | 1524 Jackson Rd | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
Rochester Christian Reformed Church | 585-381-7861 | 2750 Atlantic Ave | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
St Joseph's Church | 585-586-1893 | 39 Gebhardt Rd | Penfield | NY | 14526 |
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