Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rochester, NY 14605
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rochester NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 585-454-6096 | 144 Baden St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Believers by Faith Christian Ctr | 585-288-4490 | 345 4th St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Bethesda Church of God in Christ | 585-546-6067 | 120 Saint Bridgets Dr | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Church of Jesus Christ | 585-325-7108 | 16 Helena St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
First Church Divine | 585-325-5471 | 233 Central Park | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
First Genesis Baptist Church | 585-232-3950 | 292 Hudson Ave | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Holy Trinity Baptist Church | 585-232-9488 | 397 North St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Little Light House Church of Jes C | 585-325-4750 | 112 Lewis St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Mount Zion Breath of Life Church | 585-454-5985 | 427 North St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Mt Avery Missionary Baptist Church | 585-232-8130 | 5 Niagara St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Mt Carmel Church | 585-454-6766 | 59 Ontario St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Mt Vernon Baptist Church | 585-454-5622 | 351 Joseph Ave | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
New Bethel Cme Church | 585-232-3815 | 270 Scio St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Peace Baptist Church | 585-546-1230 | 6 Oregon St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Pentecostal Memorial Baptist Church | 585-288-3033 | 382 Central Park | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
St John Baptist Church | 585-325-5175 | 37 Edward St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
St Paul Holiness Church | 585-232-2448 | 63 Thomas St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
Triedstone Baptist Church Parson | 585-232-6941 | 21 Ritz St | Rochester | NY | 14605 |
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