Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rochester, NY 14620
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rochester NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Baptist Historical Soci | 585-473-1740 | 1106 Goodman St S | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Baber Ame Christian Life Ctr | 585-473-2440 | 820 Clinton Ave S | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Calvary St Andrew's Parish | 585-325-4950 | 95 Averill Ave | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Church of Christ | 585-256-0190 | 285 E Henrietta Rd | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Emmanuel Church of Jesus Apostolic | 585-244-6253 | 295 Gregory St | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Genesee Valley District Office Methodis | 585-340-9525 | 1100 Goodman St S | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
In Christ New Hope Ministry Inc | 585-334-8730 | 155 Pinnacle Rd | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Lutheran Church of Peace | 585-244-9206 | 125 Caroline St | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
New Life Presbyterian Church | 585-473-1240 | 243 Rosedale St | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Sisters of Mercy | 585-244-6758 | 58 Avondale Park | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Sisters of Mercy | 585-461-5761 | 1580 Mount Hope Ave | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Sisters of Mercy Prayer Center | 585-473-6893 | 65 Highland Ave | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Sisters of St Jos | 585-244-6236 | 280 Sanford St | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Sisters of St Joseph | 585-454-2157 | 417 South Ave | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
Sisters of St Joseph | 585-244-6738 | 82 Westmoreland Dr | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
St Anne Church | 585-271-3260 | 1600 Mount Hope Ave | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
St John the Baptist Orthodox Church | 585-442-6860 | 855 Goodman St S | Rochester | NY | 14620 |
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