Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Fairport, NY 14450
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Fairport NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 585-425-4700 | 585 Moseley Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Arby's Roast Beef Restrnts | 585-223-6839 | Eastview Mall | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Argyle Grill at Eagle Vale | 585-377-2452 | 4344 Nine Mile Point Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Baird Road Pub & Grill | 585-641-0149 | 1226 Fairport Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Bill Gray's Restaurants | 585-223-1820 | Perinton Square Mall | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Charlie's Casual Dining | 585-223-2110 | 7328 Pittsford Palmyra Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Durf's Family Restaurant | 585-377-9879 | 150 N Main St | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Fairfield's Grill | 585-383-0767 | 2600 Baird Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Fairport Village Inn | 585-388-0112 | 103 N Main St | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Friendly Restrnts | 585-377-2147 | 1292 Fairport Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Grappa Ristorante | 585-377-0240 | 145 N Main St | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Green Lantern Inn | 585-223-0556 | 1 E Church St | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Horizons Restaurant | 585-248-4825 | 199 Woodcliff Dr | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Identity Magic Enterprises | 585-223-1640 | 7300 Pittsford Palmyra Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Macgregor's Grill & Tap Room of Perinto | 585-425-7260 | 7408 Pittsford Palmyra Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
McArdles | 585-377-5520 | 1355 Fairport Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Perkins Restaurant & Bakery | 585-377-1690 | 2130 Nine Mile Point Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Riki's Family Restaurant | 585-388-0139 | 25 N Main St | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Ruby Tuesday Restaurant | 585-223-2260 | Perinton Mills Shopp | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 585-248-3310 | 1212 Fairport Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Tom Wahl's Restaurants | 585-377-8420 | 1333 Fairport Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 585-425-7657 | 557 Moseley Rd | Fairport | NY | 14450 |
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