Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Freeport, NY 11520
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Freeport NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Ame Church | 516-379-1513 | 420 N Main St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 516-378-1258 | 61 N Grove St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 516-223-6025 | 77 S Main St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Church of the Transfiguration | 516-379-1230 | S Long Beach Avenue | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Dean St Chapel | 516-379-1333 | 23 W Dean St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Freeport Bible Center | 516-546-2020 | 50 N Main St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Freeport Full Gospel Assembly | 516-377-5552 | 67 N Main St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Freeport United Methodist Churc | 516-378-0659 | 46 Pine St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Freewill Baptist Church of Freeport | 516-378-9708 | 443 N Main St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Gospel Church Inc The | 516-377-6806 | 26 Lena Ave | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Healing Light Center of Long Island | 516-546-7345 | 40 Weberfield Ave | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Iglesia Cristiana Fundamental | 516-377-9726 | 91 N Bayview Ave | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Long Island Council of Churches | 516-868-4989 | 450 N Main St Frnt | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Perfecting Faith Church | 516-223-8300 | 311 N Main St | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Presbyterian Church of Freeprt | 516-379-1114 | S Ocean Ave | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Refuge Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ | 516-868-0400 | 106 S Bay Ave | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Second Bapt Church | 516-623-4780 | 129 E Merrick Rd | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Sword of the Spirit International | 516-379-1772 | 12 Evans Ave | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
Word of Life Ministries | 516-546-3344 | 131 Guy Lombardo Ave | Freeport | NY | 11520 |
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