Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hicksville, NY 11801
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hicksville NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bilal Muslim Mission of America | 516-681-8500 | 136 Charlotte Ave | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
First Baptist Church of Hicksville | 516-938-2462 | 30 Liszt St | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
Hicksville Christian Church | 516-935-3855 | 105 Broadway | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
Holy Family Summer Camp | 516-937-0636 | 17 East St | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
Holy Spirit Christian Church | 516-822-6330 | 17 Herzog Pl | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
L I Abundant Life Church | 516-938-1245 | 7 E Marie St | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
Mid Island Wine & Spirits | 516-938-7393 | 484 Plainview Rd | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
New York Evergreen Presbyterian Ch | 516-822-6900 | 20 Andrews Rd | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
Newbridge Beer & Soda Inc | 516-579-0505 | 8 W Village Grn | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
St Ignatius Loyola Adult Faith for | 516-942-7895 | 129 Broadway | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
The River of Life Church | 516-937-9226 | 125 Jerusalem Ave | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 516-931-2225 | 40 W Nicholai St | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
United Lutheran Appeal | 516-931-9140 | 14 Westmoreland Rd | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
Yale Presbyterian Church in New Y | 516-938-0383 | 17 New South Rd | Hicksville | NY | 11801 |
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