Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Westbury, NY 11590
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Westbury NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ave Maria Chapel | 516-333-6470 | 210 Maple Ave | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Eben-Ezer Baptist Church | 516-876-8992 | 859 Prospect Ave | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
First Baptist Church of Westbury | 516-333-5422 | 212 Garden St | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Hilite Photo Studio | 516-334-4455 | 324 Post Ave | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Holy Trinity Baptist Church | 516-334-8656 | 604 Union Ave | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Islamic Center of Long Island | 516-333-3495 | 835 Brush Hollow Rd | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Long Island Bible Baptist Church | 516-334-1832 | 600 Bob Reed Pl | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Long Island West District United | 516-333-9868 | 265 Asbury Ave | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Mount Calvary Baptist Church Inc | 516-997-9820 | 271 Covert St | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
New Apostolic Church | 516-997-8929 | 327 Cross St | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
St Brigid Parish Outreach | 516-997-5507 | 50 Post Ave | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
The Tiffany Condominium at Westbury | 516-997-9460 | 54 School St | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Westbury A M E Zion Church | 516-997-5970 | 274 Grand Blvd | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Westbury Community Church | 516-334-5937 | Brook | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Westbury Florist & Fruiterers Inc | 516-333-0830 | 53 Post Ave | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
Westbury Friends School | 516-333-3178 | 550 Post Ave | Westbury | NY | 11590 |
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