Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Garden City, NY 11530
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Garden City NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
500 Bldg Co | 516-873-8852 | 500 Old Country Rd | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
A S R Managing Co | 516-745-6611 | 666 Old Country Rd Bsmt | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
A V R Realty Co | 516-222-1459 | 711 Stewart Ave | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Andron Realty Group | 516-747-1300 | 753 Franklin Ave | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Anne Hagen's Village Realty of Gc | 516-741-1754 | 671 Franklin Ave | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Atlantic Equity Solutions | 516-873-5626 | 1044 Franklin Ave | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Coldwell Banker Sammis | 516-794-2209 | 1778 Hempstead Tpke | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Crown Properties Inc | 516-248-8200 | 400 Garden City Plz Ste 111 | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Diane Sammarco Realty Ltd | 516-292-5300 | 315 Nassau Blvd | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Dougall Fraser Real Estate | 516-248-6655 | 102 7th St | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Francis B Wilson Realty | 516-746-1563 | 171 7th St | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Gio Marketing Int'l | 516-742-8600 | 36 Hilton Ave | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Integrated Real Estate Inc | 516-294-1191 | 119 2nd St | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Irace for Congress | 516-294-9420 | 63 Commercial Ave | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
J J G Real Estate Appraisals | 516-535-3931 | 600 Old Country Rd Rm 310 | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Jonas Equities | 516-228-9660 | 600 Old Country Rd Rm 205 | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Kellum Realty Corp | 516-683-8808 | 107 Charles Lindbergh Bl | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
McMahon Realty Inc | 516-742-0900 | 679 Franklin Ave | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Ornstein Leyton Realty Inc | 516-222-0919 | 585 Stewart Ave Ste L90 | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Prudential Long Island Realty | 516-542-7704 | 2373 Hempstead Tpke | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Stewart Manor Realty | 516-488-4026 | 57 Argyle Rd | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Wilrock Long Island | 718-343-7292 | 151 Herricks Rd | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
Wyndham Sales Center | 516-739-7171 | 100 Hilton Ave | Garden City | NY | 11530 |
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