Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Hempstead, NY 11550
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Hempstead NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
100 Black Men Nassau Suffolk Inc | 516-538-6318 | 9 Centre St | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
Amer Legion | 516-486-9532 | Marvn Ave | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
American Polish Council | 516-485-4190 | 329 Peninsula Blvd | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
Center for Rapid Recovery | 516-292-6449 | 312 Greenwich St | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
Divorce Information Center | 516-932-8804 | 148 Greenwich St Lbby | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
E A C Inc | 516-486-8944 | 175 Fulton Ave Ste 200 | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
Hempstead Chamber of Commerce | 516-483-2000 | 1776 Nichols Ct | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
Hempstead Hispanic Civic Assoc Inc | 516-292-0007 | 236 Main St | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
House Committee American Legion | 516-481-9890 | 160 Marvin Ave | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
Marcus M Charles Memorial Assoc | 516-486-8308 | 16 Tower Ct | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
N A A C P | 516-505-5863 | 43 Glenmore Ave | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
Nassau County Ofcs & Institutions | 516-292-7990 | 239 Fulton Ave | Hempstead | NY | 11550 |
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