Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Baldwin, NY 11510
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Baldwin NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
2416 Grand Ave Restaurant | 516-867-0990 | 2416 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
American Fried Chicken | 516-546-6400 | 1646 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Aquarium Restaurant Grill Kabob | 516-223-0492 | 55 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips | 516-546-1484 | 930 Atlantic Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Baldwin Coach Diner | 516-223-2161 | 790 Sunrise Hwy | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Bella Luna Pizzeria | 516-223-8244 | 1929 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Burger King Corp | 516-377-3649 | 2125 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Chopstick Kitchen | 516-868-8882 | 1883 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Coconut Grill | 516-379-6440 | 642 Seaman Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Friendly Ice Cream | 516-546-2480 | 945 Merrick Rd | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Giovanni's Pizzeria Restaurant | 516-223-4600 | 773 Brooklyn Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Island Cafe | 516-379-2209 | 2092 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 516-623-8656 | 1221 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Lourdes Spanish American Food | 516-223-3371 | 1641 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
McDonald's Restrnt | 516-546-4810 | 1255 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Mimi's Kitchen | 516-377-8506 | 1293 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
New Empire Hunan | 516-867-0100 | 766 Merrick Rd | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Ocho Rios Cafe | 516-377-7366 | 1299 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Old Venice Inn Inc | 516-867-9734 | 101 Merrick Rd | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Precious Moments Restaurant and | 516-867-3067 | 1920 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Principessa Italian Restrnt | 516-489-7460 | 1086 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Quiznos Subs | 516-223-6506 | 987 Atlantic Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Raay-Nor's Cabin | 516-223-4886 | 550 Sunrise Hwy | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 516-546-0022 | 684 Sunrise Hwy | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Shish Kebab Mediterranean R | 516-546-2900 | 924 Atlantic Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Super Grand Buffet | 516-868-2888 | 1874 Grand Ave | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 516-377-8396 | 690 Sunrise Hwy | Baldwin | NY | 11510 |
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